Volume 21, Issue 2 (6-2024)                   jor 2024, 21(2): 17-33 | Back to browse issues page

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Khoshfetrat S. Integrated Production-Distribution Planning in a Multilevel Supply Chain Based on Competition. jor 2024; 21 (2) :17-33
URL: http://jamlu.liau.ac.ir/article-1-2172-en.html
Deprtment of Mathematics, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz , Iran , saharkhoshfetrat@iaut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (629 Views)
In today's world, each system needs more facilitates to use them for improving according to speed of nowadays’ changes. Most activities use own proprietary programs to act as independent one and to control own through systems. Supply chains contain various levels that can be used to supply primal materials for changing them to required products and finally present them to customers via different systems. Integrated manufacturer- provided planning is one of important issues in supply chain. Considering it with a special competition can be considered less in recent literatures. In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed for an integrated manufacturer-provided planning based on competition in a multi-levels supply chain. The suggested model is formulated by four objective functions and related constraints for a two-period and multi-product with vertical competition in the supply chain. The model is solved using augmented epsilon constraint method. The results of a numerical example present the advantages and potential applications of proposed model.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/08/3 | Accepted: 2023/01/2 | Published: 2024/06/21

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